
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday is a special day... getting ready for Sunday!

I am so weird other people go to the gym or go get massages to relieve stress, but I love doing laundry and ironing. Not to say that I don't love getting a massage or the gym I would love to run, but my leg is holding me back. I love cleaning I don't mind cleaning my room cause I get to think and listen to music and when I'm all done I love it!


  1. I don'think you're weird! I'll think of you next time I'm stressing over Mt. Laundry and my ironing pile! It does feel good when it's all done! Love ya!

  2. I would come do it for you! I miss you, it has been way too long!

  3. Wanna come do my laundry and ironing!? jk! It is stress relieving to clean! love you and thx again for taking the kids to the movie! They had a blast!

  4. SO you should come to safford with us for labor day! Miss you!

  5. I would hills, I love it! haha Steve and Kadi pay me to do their ironing! and maybe kenzie! let me know details!
